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German for Equestrians Workbook
Are you ready to uncover the History of German Horse Heritage?

Curious about the intricate language of German equine vocabulary?

Do you love to travel? 



How can I help you?

Drawing from my equestrian background, our lessons will come alive with exciting equestrian themes and terminology, making your language learning experience engaging and enjoyable.Whether you're a beginner or looking to enhance your language skills, join me in this immersive adventure and unlock the doors to German language and culture. Start your German lessons today and let's make language learning an exciting and rewarding experience!

Wie kann ich behilflich sein?

Egal, ob Sie erst anfangen haben oder Ihre Sprachkenntnisse verbessern wollen, mein Fachsprachenprogramm ist auf Reiterinnen und Reiter wie Sie ausgerichtet. Der Unterricht ist so konzipiert, dass er Ihre Sprachkenntnisse in der Reiterszene verbessert, und vermittelt Ihnen praktisches Vokabular und pferdespezifische Ausdrücke. Angefangen von den Grundlagen bis hin zur Verbesserung Ihrer Kommunikationsfähigkeit werde ich Sie auf Ihrer Sprachreise begleiten. Diskutieren Sie selbstbewusst über Pferdesportarten, Pferdepflege und Turniere. Melden Sie sich noch heute an und galoppieren Sie dem sprachlichen Erfolg entgegen.



Kerry K.

Bozeman, Montana

I have never had so much fun and laughed as hard as when I learned German from Sandy. She immersed us in practical and most anticipated conversational situations while traveling in Germany or Austria. Each session built upon the other, and quickly provided more confidence around communicating in this language. Sandy creates an easy going environment while pushing people out of their comfort zones as well. I would highly recommend learning German from Sandy. 

Melissa B.

Butte, Montana

I had the most fantastic experience learning German from Sandy. Not only did I enjoy the lessons, but I also feel so much more confident in my language skills now. Sandy's teaching style made learning German incredibly easy and fun! Her encouragement and support throughout the course made all the difference. She created a comfortable and welcoming environment, which allowed me to fully immerse myself in the language and grow in my abilities. I'm grateful for the positive and uplifting learning atmosphere she provided and highly recommend Sandy to anyone looking to learn German or any other language. She's an amazing teacher who truly cares about her students' progress and success!

Alexandra W.

Denver, Colorado 

Learning German with Sandy has been a joy! Her teaching style is engaging, patient, and encouraging. Thanks to her, I feel more confident in my German skills and can now recognize words in conversations effortlessly. I highly recommend Sandy for anyone looking to learn German in a fun and effective way!

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